My favorite service events are always the weekly Thursday night scouts. I love interacting with the scouts - asking them about their day, leaning about their lives, and doing games and activities with them. It is very rewarding to know that I can put a smile on their faces just by taking a little time out of my day. I also learn so much from them…it astounds me. They update me on all the Penn State sports teams and inform me of whats going on in the world like politics. They are also so funny. One thing I would like to see our brotherhood do more of is inviting the scouts to maybe a meeting or other service event. This way they can see what we do and what we are all about.
I know that sometimes when we do motivational post-it notes, some people think that it won't really have an impact. Many brothers question if student will even respond, care, or take the time to look and read it? I used to think that too. However, as marketing chair I was able to see all the responses that we got back on our social media platforms. Many students respond on our twitter by tweeting a picture of it and saying things like "This made my day!". One girl even posted a picture of one of our post-it notes on her instagram and tagged us in it. Seeing this positive impact has changed the way I perceive small marketing events like post-it notes. These little bright pieces of paper can in fact be very powerful.
Elections: Inside the mind of the current fundraising chair!
The election meeting is always my favorite meeting to go to. There is usually free food there! I love the election meetings because it’s a great way to see people realize their full potentials as brothers of APO. This year I was nominated for Sergeant at arms. Sergeant at arms has always been a position that I have considered. Being a brother in APO I have always been drawn to positions that I felt needed attention and were noteworthy but weren’t getting the exposure that they needed. For instance, I took on the responsibility of historian in my inaugural semester as an APO brother because I felt that historian is a significant position that always got overlooked. A fraternity without knowledge of its history is like a tree without roots. I gave my speech, and the executive board liked it and I was granted the position. I took on the responsibilities of the position and I even created some new responsibilities for it. Fast forward 2 years and, I was up for an executive committee position. I was very nervous. I was running against someone that I respect, and felt did a decent job with their prior position. So, I know getting this position would not be an easy thing to do. My challenger gave his speech first, and he had some decent things to say. I went up after him and my heart was racing at full speed. I started to read my speech and I could feel the energy in the room. I felt that I had a great speech. I detailed my aspirations for the position, and the direction that I would like to take Sergeant at arms. We both were asked questions, and we both did a good job answering them. During discussion, I sat outside with my challenger and we had a good discussion. Upon entering the room again, I knew I had did a good job getting my point across, but you never know the results. When I found out that I had won the position, I felt very pleased. I knew that I would work hard enough to bring hard work and success to the position. I can’t wait to start!! Good luck to the new exec! Especially my challenger, who I know will do great with his appointed position!! Alpha Phi Omega is a great organization. APO has given be many great things. I have loved every single minute that of being involved in APO. I am extremely happy that I have the opportunity to give back to my community. APO makes caring and loving others and my community all worthwhile! It’s very hard to narrow the top five reasons why APO rocks, but here it goes! 5) Being a Big/ Taking a little Taking a little is one of the best experiences of joining any fraternal organization. The fact that someone can be a role model and serve as an important factor in the development and growth of a future brother is very rewarding. From experience, I could say that I am very happy to have the littles that I was assigned. I become a grand big this semester, and my grand little was just elected as fellowship chair. Taking littles has been one of the best things that I have done in my time in APO. I advise any brother to consider taking a little! 4) Taking a position One of the major endeavors that is expressed in APO is the idea of taking a position. Becoming a leader in APO is a very rewarding experience. Knowing that you have the ability to better the fraternity with your actions and your position must have a great effect on people. From experience, it always pleased me when people showed interest in my history lessons as historian, and when supported my events as fundraising chair. I have grown as a leader in the past three years, and as I get ready to accept the position of Sergeant at arms, I will work my hardest to push APO even further. 3) Bonding with Brothers Friends, Friends, Friends! Friendships will definitely make the experience of being an APO brother worthwhile. APO is a large organization, and it may be hard to find some people that you feel very close to. When you find those people, it makes the experiences 100x better. Knowing that you have a group of people that will always be there for you regardless of any troubles you might face or any obstacles that stand in your way. Your friends will be there till the end! 1) Service Events! Obviously this is #1!!! You cannot mention APO without mentioning the service events!!! Service events such as making cards for the elderly on Valentine’s Day, and the state day of service as an alternative to state patty’s day. Service events always gave me a warm feeling in my heart. I always have prided myself on lending a helping hand to those who may need it, and I am glad that APO has become a way for me to give all that I can give to helping others. |